Tuesday, April 13, 2010

We're Moving!

Welcome to the new blogging home for Jerry and Erin! I decided I needed a face lift and thought the easiest (and cheapest) way for that to happen was to just change web addresses. Haha. I still have some building and creating to do, but I'll get there. I have been on Xanga for a while but thought it might be fun to start a blog. I have had lots of folks tell me that they wish they could post comments without having to be a member of Xanga. On blogspot you can, which is really nice. So here I am:)

Hard to believe, but yes, we are leaving Colorado and heading back to Texas. I'm sad and excited all at the same time. Sad that we're leaving our beautiful home, an excellent church, lots of friends, Pikes Peak right outside the front yard, four glorious seasons, rivers to fish in, mountains to camp in etc. but excited that we get to move back to God's Country where we will begin a new life outside the Army and be closer to most of our family (The Giese's are still so far away! I miss you all so much!). We have been praying for clear direction regarding a new job for our family and it is clear that the Lord has provided one down in Texas. Jerry has officially cleared post and is now on terminal leave. Hurray! There are lots of things that have to happen between now and the end of April when we leave, which means I should probably be packing and not sitting here playing on the computer. Heh. More to follow!



  1. I have to say I am delighted that you will be moving down this way! Will you be real close to us, or still far even though in Texas?

    God bless your next few weeks - praying for a peaceful transition!

    Love you!
    Mrs. Petty

  2. Hey Sis,
    So great to blog with you! I like the part where you said "for our family"!! Love ALL of you and can't wait to have you closer to home.
    Love, Christina

  3. Hey Erin!

    So glad to hear that all is going well! Looking forward to catching up with you when you get back to Texas!

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that youre on blogspot now!! I think I remember someone telling you thats where you should have started...just a thought ;)
    Can't wait to see what your future brings. I am soo happy and a lil jealous that you are no longer in the Army. I wish you both, nothing but the best!!
    Love you guys!!

  5. Well Girl, Amazing to see how our Lord has worked in your lives up till now, and so exciting to see how you are in His will and to see what will happen next......Can't wait to keep reading on your NEW BLOG. You and your sis are an inspiration to me......Love you! mom

  6. wow. you're out of the army!? Hooah! (or however the heck they spell it...)
    can't even tell you how jealous I am you get to move to Texas, but I totally hear missing CO. If I had to live somewhere beside TX and had my pick, that would be the state. SO beautiful!

  7. Hey there! Glad y'all are back. When can we get together?? Do you still have my contact info? I tried to email you a while back and it got bounced back. Christina has my cell number, I would love to catch up.
