Friday, March 25, 2011

Tryin' to Roll Over:-)

Piper's new task this week: trying to roll over! It is so fun watching her try too. She gets that little leg up and ready and just swings it with all of her might! She's got great momentum too! From what I understand, she's doing it a little backwards. I'm told that babies normally roll from their tummy to their back. But my little lady is rolling from her back to her tummy! Perhaps that's why it's taking her a little longer to get the hang of it:-) I think she's going to do a full turn any day now... I can feel it. My video camera is ready! Here's our Princess Piper...

1 comment:

  1. Go Piper, Go Piper, Go Piper.
    You can do it, yes you can,
    Your Mamageese is one of your biggest fan(s)!!!!
