Monday, March 7, 2011

Three Months Old!!

It's hard to believe our baby girl is 3 months old! Where did the time go? She has started this "talking" phase where she just chats and makes noise all of the time! I never get tired of hearing her. It makes my whole heart smile! She loves her Daddy so much and lights up when she sees him and always has things to say! At the end of the day, Piper and I line up to share with Daddy all of the day's events and happenings! It's so much fun!

I really could not ask for a better baby... she is still sleeping 10+ hours every night which works out just great for me! She is nursing really well but at times gets so distracted by all of the things to look at around the room when she should be eating. At her 3 month well-baby check, she weighed 13.12 (90%) was 24" long (75%) and her head circumference was 15 7/8 (75%).
Way to go Elizabeth Madison Piper!

I bought her this play gym at Baby's R Us and she LOVES talking to her toys and looking at all of the bright colors. It's also great to have since I can also put her on her tummy and she can work on strengthening her neck muscles. But being the social little butterfly that she is, she will only stand to stay on her tummy for 5 minute intervals because she wants to see what's going on:) She has not learned to roll over quite yet but I can see her wanting to try. My mom said I was the youngest baby to roll over in my family at 10 weeks! Piper is starting to get the hang of it and it is so cute to watch her try!

Her swing from Grandma Jean and Grandpa Keith (our special friends and Piper's adopted grandparents that live in the neighborhood behind us) is also a favorite. Rather than having the seat reclined so she can lie back, I have it in the upright position so she can look around and watch whatever I'm doing. Some times in the evening I'll sit in the glider with her in my lap and watch a Law and Order on Netflix and she'll sit right there and watch right along with me... she is quite attentive! Probably not the best thing for my three month old to be watching... I do have a couple Baby Einstein videos that someone gave me... perhaps I should pull those out instead;)

Piper still loves to take baths! And I'm thankful too since I hear some children have a huge fear of the water. Piper kicks and splashes and giggles as we play with the bubbles and sing songs together. Two of her favorites are "Ho Ho Ho Hosannah" and "I've Got the Joy Joy Joy." I always tickle her on the "where?" part of that song and she gives huge smiles and starts singing with me! I love her so much!

Without further ado, I'll go ahead and post a talking video of Three Month Old Piper. Please disregard my annoying voice! I didn't realize how crazy I sounded while using "baby" talk! My poor kid:-) Love and hugs to all of the family and friends keeping up with our blog!


  1. Hey Erin,
    Loved the update although I didnt get any pictures (which I am assuming you put up of the play jym and swing) or talking video. Ill check back later. love ya, Stina

  2. Ditto Christina. Loved reading the update, and looking forward to seeing/hearing more of Precious Piper!
